Shamanic Healing
Soul Retrieval
The ancient art of soul retrieval is a phenomenally important shamanic healing process that causes the return of the recipient’s life force or soul. The most significant soul loss can occur in childhood through some sort of trauma or abuse, however it is also possible to experience soul loss in adulthood. In childhood the individual has not built a current frame of reference or understanding at such an age therefore they are more greatly affected. For this reason it can also lead to an unconscious attracting of traumatic incidents in to adulthood. However once the soul part or parts are returned unconscious patterns of re attracting trauma are dissolved and transmuted.
The soul part leaves the body or disassociates in order to protect itself from the pain be it emotional, mental or physical. In some cases after the event has occurred this soul part is able to return. By returning that vital essence through the Shamanic Healing technique know as Soul Retreival the person is more power – ful and able to function more effectively. Much psychic energy is spent unconsciously searching for these soul parts so when they are returned the person feels more energized and whole.
Unresolved traumatic incidents are not the only cause of soul loss though, its possible for a person unknowingly to steals another persons soul parts or give their own away. Some common symptoms of soul loss is a feeling of disconnection and incompleteness, chronic depression, feeling like an outsider, the person does not fully feel like an adult, fully grounded within their body, addictions and grief.
Past Life Journey
Many people are curious about who they were in a past life. Shamanism recognizes reincarnation. The soul transmigrates from lifetime to lifetime learning things and growing.
But some wounds and traumas from previous lives may be causing issues to show up in your life now. Shamanic healing has a means to address past life soul loss, curses, and wounds and help restore wholeness in this lifetime.
Shamanic Past Life Journey is a special form of deep healing. During a Shamanic Past Life Healing, I am going on a Shamanic Journey on your behalf, where I receive information about your Past Lives and karmic blocks. These images, scenes and messages from your past lives are connected to issues and problems you are experiencing in your present life.
By discovering these hidden karmic blocks, you can find a deeper understanding of your current patterns, and you can heal them more easily. By uncovering past life information, you can heal and let go of your unconscious blocks and move on.